UGC NET Computer Science Solved Mcqs Paper II June 2005 - Part 5

41.       The capability maturity model (err) defines 5 levels:
(a) Level 1         (i) Managed
(b) Level 2         (ii) Defined
(c) Level 3         (iii) Repeatable
(d) Level 4         (iv) Initial
(e) Level 5         (v) Optimized
correct matching is:
   a     b    c     d     e
(A) (i)   (ii)  (iii)  (iv)  (v)
(B) (iv) (iii)  (ii)   (i)   (v)
(C) (v)  (i)  (iii)   (ii)  (iv)
(D) (v)  (ii)  (i)   (iii)  (iv)
Answer: B
42.       Which one of the following is not a software process model ?
(A) Linear sequential model
(B) Prototyping model
(C) The spiral model              
(D) COCOMO model
Answer: D
43.       System Development Life-cycle has following stages:
(I) Requirement analysis        (II) Coding
(III) Design                    (IV) Testing
Which option describes the correct sequence of stages?
(A) III, I, IV, II     
(B) II, III, I, IV
(C) I, III, IV, II    
(D) None of the above
Answer: D
44.       Which one is measure of software complexity ?
(A) Number of lines of code (LOC)
(B) Number of man years
(C) Number of function points (FP)
(D) All of the above
Answer: A
45.       Which type of coupling is least preferred ?
(A) Content coupling
(B) Data coupling
(C) Control coupling  
(D) Common coupling
Answer: A
46.       PVM and MPI Library functions are implemented on the top of the:
(A) Universal Message Passing (UMS)
(B) Network Interface Driver (NID)
(C) Media Access Control (MAC)
(D) None of these
Answer: D
47.       The frequency reuse plan is divided into cell grouping using how many cells, where the number of cells equals N ?
(A) 3       (B) 10
(C) 7       (D) 21
 Answer: D
48.       Which interim standard describes inter-switching networking ?
(A) IS - 54          (B) IS - 95
(C) DS - 45        (D) ANSI – 41
Answer: B
49.       Theoretically, how many 1.25 MHz Carriers are there in a CDMA cell ?
(A) 18     (B) 22
(C) 9       (D) 64
Answer: C
50.    Another name of IEEE 802.11a is:
(A) WECA         (B) Fast Ethernet
(C) Wi-Fi 5        (D) 802.11g
Answer: C

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