1. The Internet is a system of …………..
Software bundles (B) Web page
Web site (D)
Interconnected Networks
Answer: D
2. Octal number system has a base …………….
2 (B)
6 (D)
Answer: D
3. Twitter is generally used for :
secret information sharing (B)
electronic mailing
interpersonal communication (D) social
Answer: D
4. Which type of memory holds the program
to start up the computer ?
Cache (D) Static
Answer: A
5. A program for viewing web pages is
called …………..
Word processor (B) Spreadsheet
Protocol (D) A browser
Answer: D
6. The term used to describe the
intangible instructions that tell the computer what to do is:
hardware (B) software
storage (D) input/output
Answer: B
7. Which of the following has the
smallest storage capacity ?
zip disk (B) hard disk
floppy disk (D) data cartridge
Answer: C
8. What type of devices are CDs or DVDs ?
Input (B) Output
Software (D) Storage
Answer: D
9. Why has RAM been named like this ?
Because it is read and write memory
Because it is volatile memory
Because any of the locations in chip can directly be selected for storing and
retrieving data and instructions.
Because it is non-volatile memory
Answer: C
10. What is the full form of URL ?
Uniform Reverse Location (B)
Universal Resolution Location
Uniform Resource Locator (D)
United Resource Locator
Answer: C