1. In
multi-list organization ..................
(A) records that have equivalent value for a
given secondary index item are linked together to form a list.
(B) records are loaded in ordered sequence
defined by collating sequence by content of the key
(C) records are directly accessed by record
key field
(D) records are directly accessed without
record key field
Answer: A
2. If
the variables i, j and k are assigned the values 5,3 and 2 respectively, then
the expression i = j + ( k + + = 6 ) + 7
(A) gives an error message (B) assigns a value 16 to i
(C) assigns a value 18 to i (D) assigns a value 19 to i
Answer: A
It gives an error message-Lvalue required.
3. In
C++, 14 % 4 = ................
(A) 1 (B)
(C) 3 (D)
Answer: B
4. Which
of the following is not a jump statement in C++?
(A) break (B)
(C) exit (D)
Answer: D
5. In
a for loop, if the condition is missing, then,
(A) It is assumed to be present and taken to
be false.
(B) It is assumed to be present and taken to
be true.
(C) It results in a syntax error.
(D) Execution will be terminated abruptly.
Answer: B
6. Choose
the correct answer
(A) enum variable cannot be assigned new
(B) enum variable can be compared
(C) enumeration feature increase the power of
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
The enumerated data types give an opportunity
to invent our own data type and define what value the variable of this data
type can take.
7. How
do we declare an interface class?
(A) By making all the methods pure virtual in
a class
(B) By making all the methods abstract using the
keyword abstract in a class
(C) By declaring the class as interface with
the keyword interface
(D) It is not possible to create interface
class in C++
Answer: A
8. How
many copies of a class static member are shared between objects of the class?
(A) A copy of the static member is shared by
all objects of a class
(B) A copy is created only when at least one
object is created from that class
(C) A copy of the static member is created
for each instantiation of the class
(D) No memory is allocated for static members
of a class
Answer: A
9. Consider
the following declaration
int a, *b = &a, **c = &b;
The following program fragment
a = 4;
**c = 5;
(A) does not change the value of a (B) assigns address of c to a
(C) assigns the value of b to a (D) assigns 5 to a
Answer: D
The given statements assigns 5 to a
10. Which
of the following is true about const member functions?
(A) const members can be invoked on both const
as well as nonconst objects
(B) const members can be invoked only on
const objects and not on nonconst objects
(C) nonconst members can be invoked on const
objects as well as nonconst objects
(D) none of the above
Answer: A