allows a three-way transfer of control with the help of
unary operator (B)
relational operator
ternary operator (D)
comparison operator
Answer: C
2. The
switch expression must be of type .................. or .................
(A) char,float (B) float,int
(C) int, char (D)
char, float
Answer: C
3. The
second expression (j – k) in the following expression will be evaluated
(i + 5) && (j – k)
(A) if expression (i + 5) is true.
(B) if expression (i + 5) is false.
(C) irrespective of whether (i + 5) is true
or false.
(D) will not be evaluated in any case.
Answer: A
In a compound logical expression combined
with &&, the second expression is evaluated only if first is evaluated
in true.
4. If
the condition in a for loop is false then .................
(A) code inside loop may not be executed.
(B) program terminates.
(C) code inside loop may be executed atleast
(D) shows error.
Answer: A
5. Which
of the following for loop is not correct?
(A) for(;x<10;) (B) for(; ; ;)
(C) for(; ;) (D)
for (x=0;x!=123;)
Answer: B
6. C++
programs start their execution at ................
(A) start() (B)
(C) main() (D)
Answer: C
7. Inline
is a ................
(A) command (B)
(C) request (D)
Answer: C
8. The
output of the following code segment will be
char x = ‘B’;
switch (x) {
case ‘A’: printf(“a”);
case ‘B’: printf(“b”);
case ‘C’: printf(“c”);
(A) B (B) b
(C) BC (D) bc
Answer: D
Since there is no break statement, all the
statement after case’B’ are executed.
9. Size
of operator is ................ operator.
(A) compile time (B) intrinsic
(C) extraction (D) ternary
Answer: A
10. A
reference parameter is declared by proceeding with ....................
(A) * (B) &
(C) && (D) ~
Answer: B